Denver Well Logging Society Chapter of the SPWLA

Luncheon Cancellation/Refunds/Waitlist Policy

Due to the torrential success of our monthly luncheons, the Board of Directors has approved the following cancellation/waitlist policy regarding luncheon reservations (updated February 17, 2011):

Cancellations and Refunds:

Refunds will only be given for cancellations done before the reservations deadline. However, please be courteous to your colleagues and cancel if you know ahead of time that you will be unable to attend. If you know you cannot make it, but have a colleague that could go in your place, just and we'll give them your spot.

Unclaimed lunches will be sold to anyone waiting at the door at 11:45 am on a first-come/first-served basis. However please note that if we are sold-out and have no unclaimed lunches, you would be unable to stay for the talk, since we will already be at fire-code capacity. Thank you for your understanding.


If you receive a message from PayPal stating that the current luncheon is sold-out, it most likely really is sold-out.  The system has been in place for almost two years now, and has worked very well for tracking how many lunches we can offer.

However, cancellations do occur (see above), and in the event a spot is open we can still get you in the door. Simply for this luncheon.  Please be sure to include your best contact information, so that in the event that a spot does become available, we can get hold of you.

We will try the best contact method you provide, but to be fair to others on the waitlist, we can only hold your spot for a short time before offering the spot to the next person on the list. For now, assume that you have 15 minutes to respond to a waitlist offer before we move on to the next person. Even if you are not near a computer to handle the payment, but can at least respond with YES within that time, we'll save the spot for you. If we do not hear from you within that time, then you will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist and the spot will be offered to the next in line.


Do you feel that these policies are fair (or not)? Feel free to with suggestions or comments, and I'll pass them onto the Board of Directors. Better yet, get yourself involved and be part of the solution. We are all volunteers, so no one is out to get you by setting these policies.  We are just trying to make our jobs a bit easier while keeping all of our members happy.


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